City of York Council

Committee Minutes


Corporate Parenting Board


28 April 2021


Councillors Orrell (Chair), Fitzpatrick (Vice-Chair), Heaton, Hunter, Musson and Rowley


Councillors Runciman and Baker



39.        Declarations of Interest


At this point in the meeting, Members were invited to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they might have in relation to the business on the agenda or any other general interests they might have within the remit of the Board. None were declared.




40.        Public Participation


It was reported that there had been no registrations to speak under the Councils Public Participation Scheme.




41.        Minutes


Resolved: That the minutes of the last meeting of the Corporate Parenting Board, held on 19 January 2021 be approved and then signed by the Chair as a correct record at a later date.


Regarding minute number 35, Independent Reviewing Officers Annual report 2019-20, The Assistant Director of Children’s Services agreed to email the Board data relating to the number of looked after children placed outside of York and the nature of those placements.




42.        City of York Council Approach to the Corporate Parenting Board


The Board considered a report that detailed a revised approach to the Corporate Parenting Board (CPB).


The Group Manager Achieved Permanence, the Director of Governance & Monitoring Officer, the Corporate Director of People, the Children’s Rights Manager and the Assistant Director of Children’s Services were in attendance to present the report and answer any questions.


The Group Manager outlined the report noting that:

·     Information was obtained from other local authorities on how they ran their Corporate Parenting Boards and also discussions with young people, senior leaders including the Director of Governance & Monitoring Officer and two elected members who sat on the CPB had taken place.

·     Children and young people in care and care leavers had confirmed that they would like stronger links between the CPB and young people/groups and additional representation from different agencies/services. They would also like a less formal, more relaxed and interactive Board that better engaged young people.


The Group Manager explained the proposed changes, as highlighted within the report, stating that:

·        The proposed membership of the Board would consist of up to 3 representatives from Show Me That I Matter (SMTIM) and I Still Matter (ISM), a maximum of 4 elected Members drawn from the Executive Member for Children, Young People and Education and elected Members on the SMTIM Panel.

·        The Board would have the power to co-opt non-voting Members to advise.

·        The Board would be Co-Chaired by a representative of SMTIM, ISM and an Elected Member.

·        Meetings would be delivered under a new format and be divided into 2 parts.

·        An annual report would be presented at a meeting of Full Council.


The Director of Governance & Monitoring Officer and the Corporate Director of People explained the governance approach and highlighted examples of good practice, noting York’s current corporate parenting Guarantee to children and young people in care.  


Members discussed the proposed changes and raised some concerns around the annual report and the reduction and balance of elected membership in the context of the Board’s decision making and challenge. Officers highlighted different models of delivery, including various functions, roles and responsibilities that could be included to ensure an effective and creative CPB that would be open to challenge and include the voices of young people. 


Following further discussions regarding the most effective future for the Corporate Parenting Board, the Board noted that all elected Members had corporate parenting responsibilities and that further awareness and knowledge among some Members was required.


Officers answered questions raised and confirmed that the Boards revised Terms of Reference (TOR) would be included in the Council’s revised Constitution. The Director of Governance & Monitoring Officer confirmed she would revise the TOR to incorporate the Boards comments and she also suggested that the TOR be frequently reviewed to ensure it was fit for purpose.


The Board welcomed the new approach and thanked officers for all the work undertaken. 


Resolved: That the suggested new direction of the Board be agreed and that the revised Terms of Reference be circulated around the Board for agreement before incorporating into the draft revised Constitution.  


Reason: To update and revise the approach taken by the Board.





43.        Virtual School Headteacher Report 2019-2020 academic year


Members received an annual report from the Virtual School Headteacher (VSHT).


The VSHT was in attendance to present the report and answer any questions. She provided a detailed update and made reference to each section of the report.


Members noted that:

·     There had been an increase in the number of young people in care and on the roll of virtual school.

·     There had been an extension of age range, with all children and young people in care having a Personal Education Plan (PEP) from aged 2 until the age of 18, with next steps being considered post 18 as young adults became care leavers.

·     The quality and quantity of PEPs had vastly improved and all children and young people in care had a PEP on the system.


The Headteacher answered questions raised regarding school exclusions, ePEP’s, Pupil Premium Plus, collaborative working and she confirmed that:

·        Less than 5% of children in care had received fixed term exclusions and that officers responded quickly to an exclusion and provided support to schools.

·        The ePEP system allowed schools to quickly gain access to all the support and resources required, which was particularly useful to support transitions into new schools.

·        She would audit and evidence the number of requests to fund therapeutic interventions and would then liaise with the Clinical Commissioning Group.

·        She regularly attended and contributed to multi agency, corporate, regional and national meetings.


The Board noted the cohort summary, as highlighted in the report, for statutory school age children and young people and they thanked the Headteacher for her update.


Resolved: That the report be noted.


Reason: To keep the Board updated.




44.        City of York Sufficiency Strategy 2020-2023


The Board considered a report that updated them on the City of York Sufficiency Strategy 2020-2023.


The Group Manager Achieved Permanence was in attendance to present the report and answer questions noting that the duty to provide or procure placements for Children and Young People in Care was explicit in the Children Act 1989. These regulations required a strategy to be in place that described how local authorities intended to provide sufficient care placements for its children in care.


Members were informed that the City of York Sufficiency Strategy had recently been updated and covered the period 2020-23. Members noted that it set out how the local authority and its partners would work together to provide the best outcomes for children and young people.


Officers provided a detailed update and as highlighted with the report, made reference to:

·        The profile of City of York children and young people in care.

·        The current position and challenges.

·        The objectives for the next 3 years.

·        The Foster Carer Recruitment Strategy, the Early Help Strategy, the Adolescent Strategy and the Permanence Policy.

·        Placements and semi-independent living placements.

·        Post 18 support and accommodation.

·        Children in care and care leavers scorecard.


In answer to questions raised, it was noted that:

·        There was a need to recruit more foster carers to support older children in care, sibling groups and those with complex needs.

·        To help develop foster carers knowledge and skills, officers would continue to support foster placements through core training.

·        Mental health and emotional wellbeing support for children in care and care leavers would be improved.


The Board thanked officers for their update and they noted the action plan within the report and that foster carers were being encouraged to ensure children in care were accessing their health assessments, particularly dental appointments.


Resolved: That the update be noted.


Reason: To keep the Board updated.




45.        Update to Sufficiency Strategy regarding Residential Care


The Board considered a report that provided information on the challenges in securing suitable residential care provision for young people and the proposed changes to the Residential Sufficiency strategy.


The Corporate Director of People requested that this item be considered with the exclusion of press and public on the grounds that the report and the discussion contained information relating to an individual and information which was likely to reveal the identity of an individual. This information was classified as exempt under paragraphs 1 and 2 of Schedule 12A to Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006.


The Chair proposed that this item be considered with the exclusion of press and public and the Board unanimously agreed.


Resolved: That the report be noted.


Reason: To keep the Board updated.




46.        Children in Care and Care Leavers Strategic Partnership - Highlight Report


The Board considered a report that provided information on service updates. The report covered details of the partnership meeting of the 20 April 2021 and focused on updates from key teams, including response to Covid-19.


The Corporate Director of People requested that this item be considered with the exclusion of press and public on the grounds that the report and the discussion contained information relating to an individual and information which was likely to reveal the identity of an individual. This information was classified as exempt under paragraphs 1 and 2 of Schedule 12A to Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006.


The Chair proposed that this item be considered with the exclusion of press and public and the Board unanimously agreed.


Resolved: That the report be noted.


Reason: To keep the Board updated.




47.        Work Plan


Members considered the Boards work plan for the 2021/22 municipal year.


The Board were made aware that the outcome of the Judicial Review, which had been lodged in relation to the Government’s intention not to legislate the continuation of remote meetings from 7 May 2021, may impact future meeting dates. 


Following discussion, it was agreed that:




(i)        An update be received at the next meeting on health assessments, including dental.

(ii)      Arrangements be made for the Board to meet with Show Me That I Matter and I Still Matter to discuss future agenda items.


Reason: To support the proposed new approach to the Corporate Parenting Board and to keep the work plan updated.








Cllr Orrell, Chair

[The meeting started at 5.10 pm and finished at 7.11 pm].




























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